Product IT Software & Hardware
Web Based Prices - Subscription
Interactive Myaccounting Version 4.0 Web based with the type of payment per month
30% Discount for 1 year of payment in advance
Extra License: Rp. 98,000 / user / month
Warranty: During Subscription Payment
The following detailed comparison of the features of each package that we offer to help you determine the choice of the Interactive Myaccounting Web Based - Subscription.
Multi Gudang | |||||
Multi Departemen | |||||
Pengaturan Tipe Persediaan Barang | |||||
Multi Kategori Barang | |||||
Multi Satuan | |||||
Pengelolaan Data Master barang | |||||
Pengelolaan data BOM - Bill of Material | |||||
Pengeloaan Data Master Mesin | |||||
Pengelolaan Data Master Sales | |||||
Pengelolaan Data Master Customer | |||||
Pengeloaan Data Master Supplier | |||||
Support Export Excel Untuk Semua Data Master | |||||
Purchase Request | |||||
Approval Purchase Request | |||||
Purchase Order | |||||
Penerimaan Barang | |||||
Retur Pembelian | |||||
Uang Muka DP per customer | |||||
Uang Muka DP per customer dan Sales Order | |||||
Sales Order | |||||
Delivery Order / SPPB (Surat Perintah Pengiriman Barang) | |||||
Surat Jalan | |||||
Invoice | |||||
Retur Penjualan | |||||
Export E-Faktur : support export CSV data penjualan untuk diupload ke E-Faktur | |||||
PRODUKSI | |||||
Mengelola pemakaian bahan dan hasil produksi dalam satu layer | |||||
Support multi satuan | |||||
Mengelola pemakaian bahan pendukung/supporting material/sparepart (SMIV) | |||||
Mengelola retur pemakaian bahan pendukung/supporting material/sparepart (SMRV) | |||||
Support pembatalan (void) produksi | |||||
Processing Instruction | |||||
Saldo Awal Stock | |||||
Transfer Stock/Stock Opname | |||||
Support adjustment stock per warehouse (memo in & memo out) | |||||
Support perpindahan stock antar warehouse | |||||
Adjustment stock | |||||
REPORTING (semua reporting support export excel) | |||||
Kartu stock dengan harga -> Harga Per Hari (RG4) | |||||
Kartu stock tanpa harga (untuk warehouse) -> Kartu Stock (Y05) | |||||
Rekap stock dengan harga -> Rekapitulasi Pemakaian Bahan (RG9) | |||||
Rekap stock tanpa harga (untuk warehouse) -> Rekap Stock (Y34) | |||||
Laporan penjualan : -> Report Sales (Y01) | |||||
Laporan pembelian : -> Report Purchasing (Y12) | |||||
Laporan Summary Pembelian Tahunan -> Rekap Pembelian Tahunan Detail (Y04) | |||||
Laporan Pemakaian Bahan Bulanan -> Rekap Production (Y06) | |||||
HPP Per Produk (Average) | |||||
Support pengaturan manual akun HPP | |||||
Reclass pemakaian bahan baku dan bahan penolong bulanan | |||||
Pengaturan hak akses user yang fleksibel | |||||
Support reset password user | |||||
Kode Akun / COA Level 1 - 6 | |||||
Multi Currency | |||||
Setting Default Nomor | |||||
Jurnal Umum (Kas, Bank, Memorial) | |||||
Jurnal Giro | |||||
Bukti Setor Tunai | |||||
Pelunasan Hutang Piutang | |||||
Log History Jurnal | |||||
Kunci Jurnal | |||||
Transfer Saldo | |||||
Tutup buku | |||||
Laporan Keuangan lengkap | |||||
Laporan Hutang Piutang (Aging, dll) | |||||
Aset Penyusutan + Revaluasi new | |||||
Stock Opname new | |||||
Get it now | Get it now | Get it now | Get it now | Get it now |
Service package has a feature of selling goods and trading goods, this makes it very easy for you to sell services as well as products. The trading package only sells there is a product selling and limited to the user license.
Training & Implementation Package InterActive MyAccounting
Cost of Rp. 5.5 million (max 2 months implementation).
Price of Rp. 8 million (max 3 months implementation).
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